Have you been curious about CBD don’t know where to start? I had a lot of questions in the beginning as well. NUVITA CBD was so helpful in providing information to me about every aspect of CBD. I want to share some of the information with you guys so you can decide if it is a good fit for you.

You can check out NUVITA CBD’s products here: https://nuvitacbd.com/ and the code hummingbird will get you 10% off your order.

Facts About CBD

The Cannabis plant is part of a family called Cannabaceae and Genus Cannabis. It is composed of over 400 chemical compounds which make up a mixture of natural compounds that work together to balance each other. The plant contains biologically active compounds called Phytocannabinoids, Terpenoids, and Flavonoids. These chemicals interact with our body and mind which produce certain effects.


The term “Cannabinoids” that we tend to hear the more frequently, is a more general term that refers to a group of chemical compounds that are usually made up of 21 carbon atoms in a three-ring structure. However, when the prefix “Phyto” is added, it specifically is referring to the Cannabinoids that are found almost solely in the Cannabis plant.

The two main Phytocannabinoids that are well known by most of us are the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). Other Phytocannabinoids found in the Cannabis plant include: Cannabinol (CBN),
Cannabigerol (CBG), Cannabichromene (CBC), Cannabicyclol (CBL), Cannabidicarin (CBDV), and Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV).

The Hemp Plant

Although Hemp and Marijuana both come from the Cannabis Sativa Plant, they are two very different species of the plant. They both have genetics based on being different strains of the same plant, which also means that they are cultivated for different uses.

Hemp is typically grown for agricultural products, such as textiles, seeds and oils. The plant itself can grow up to 20 feet high with long, sturdy stalks and skinny leaves. Hemp is around 20% CBD with less than 0.3% THC and is federally legal. It is non-psychoactive (so, it does not get you high) and does not give you euphoric effects. You can grow the hemp plant in most climates and can be grown with other plants.

The Marijuana Plant

Contrary to the Hemp plant, the Marijuana plant is known for the flowering tops of the plant which are bred to have a high THC content for medicinal and recreational purposes. The plant itself only grows to about 5 feet tall with short and bushy, broad leaves. Marijuana is less than 10% CBD, can be anywhere from 5-35% THC and is federally controlled. It is psychoactive, and growth is carefully monitored and controlled in an isolated, warm, humid area to maximize psychoactive uses.

Full Spectrum CBD

Full Spectrum CBD is the most natural form of CBD that you can find. It offers all of the therapeutic benefits of the Cannabis plant from having all of the natural Cannabinoids in it working together to form the “Entourage Effect.” This just means that the Cannabinoids will work better together than when they are isolated from one another. The synergy can enhance effects or modulate effects beneficially. The oil has to go through fewer processes to extract the oil and may contain trace amounts of THC, but not enough to get you high. It is also highly unlikely that it would show up on any drug test.

Broad Spectrum CBD

Broad Spectrum CBD is created by taking full spectrum extracts and further processing them to remove trace amounts of THC. It also contains the full health benefits of the “Entourage Effect” that the full spectrum CBD offers. Although there is still little research on this, many individuals have reported that broad spectrum or CBD isolate do not work as well for them as the full spectrum CBD. This may be due to the fact that when the THC is removed, it is no longer a full Cannabinoid profile working together. The missing THC component, although very small to begin with, may cause the extract to not works as well with your Endocannabinoid System.


I hope that this information has been helpful for you all. Next week I will be posting about NUVITA CBD’s products and what conditions CBD may help with. Leave any questions in the comments section and I will do my best to answer them. You can also DM me on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/hummingbirdandhousewife/