I gave birth to a beautiful daughter. Blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and the sweetest smile that could brighten anyone’s day. It never fails, when we are out in public, that someone will come up and say, “She is so pretty.” That is true, my dear. You are pretty. You are absolutely beautiful. You always will be. However, in this world, it can sometimes seem like your beauty is the only thing that matters. It is hard for women. It is so easy to compare yourself to other beautiful women because that is what this world prioritizes. In a world that encourages women to use their beauty and body to get what they want, it is my hope and prayer that you will use your mind, eyes, voice, and heart, instead.

I hope that you use your mind. I hope that you look at each day as an opportunity to learn something new. Take your education seriously. There is nothing more dangerous than a well-educated woman. Your intellect is far more important than your looks, sweet child. No one can ever take that away from you.

I hope that you use your eyes to see the good in the world. This world can be a dark place, but you can be the spark that it needs. Find the good in people. Every person that you meet has a story that you do not know about. It is so important to be kind to people and to love them. The world is in desperate need of more kindness and love. Make sure that you are adding more light than darkness in this world.

I hope you use your voice to stand up for yourself, others, and what you believe in. Never be afraid to speak your mind and your truth. Do not let anyone silence you. Be fearless. Be strong. Be loud. Show the world what you are made of.

I hope you use your heart. Your heart will always guide you. Learn to listen to it. I hope your heart is full of compassion, love, determination, fierceness, and passion. Share your heart with people any time that you can. Love unconditionally. Love like Jesus. You can make such a big difference in this world and the lives of people that you meet.

You see, my beautiful girl, you are so much more than your looks. You are smart, strong, kind, and loving. You are a force. You will make a difference. So, as you go through life, try to remember that beauty is not everything. You have so much more to offer the world. God will use you for great things.

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