On August 22nd, I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl. My world completely changed. I never knew that I could love something so much. I had read many articles on where babies should sleep, how to swaddle a baby perfectly, what diapers were the best, and other necessary things that all new parents should know. However, there were three things that happened after my pregnancy that I wish I had been prepared for:

  1. Your C-Section Scar Will Burn Randomly

I was in labor for 18 hours before they decided that I needed a C-Section. I had read an article stating that over half of women that are induced would end up having a C-Section. I was prepared for that. I was prepared for the scar. What I was not prepared for, was for my scar to just start burning randomly. It was like my scar was just all the sudden on fire. It burns so bad when it happens. I have woke up from a dead sleep because my scar just decided to start burning. It lasts anywhere from two minutes to about fifteen minutes. My husband informed me that it is because my muscles and nerves have not completely healed yet. Apparently, my husband is right. (I don’t say that often). But, the pain can last up to a year. So, if you are having the same issue, just know that it is normal and it sucks.

2. Your Hair Falls Out

I have always had a thick head of hair, so I am used to having strands of hair falling out while I shower. However, about 3 months after having my little hummingbird, I started noticing that a LOT of my hair was falling out ALL of the time. I started worrying that I was sick. It wasn’t until I saw a cartoon that another new mom had posted on Facebook that I realized it could have been from the pregnancy. So, I googled and discovered that your hair usually starts falling out around 3-4 months after pregnancy. It has to do with your hormone levels getting back to normal. Apparently, all the hair you grew while you were pregnant decides to fall out after you have the baby. Pretty great, huh?

3. Post-Partum Anxiety

My husband had read plenty of articles about Post-partum depression and was scared that it would happen to me. He read everything he could about it so he would know how to support me the best way that he could if that did happen. However, something we never knew, was that there is such a thing as post-partum anxiety. Once I got home from the hospital, I started to notice that I would panic about little things. I couldn’t sleep because I was constantly checking to see if my daughter was breathing as she slept. I couldn’t leave her with anyone because I was afraid that they didn’t know all of the dangers of SIDS. I had panic attacks watching people hold her as kids ran around close to her. I was terrified that they would accidentally hurt her. She is 4 months old now, and I have only left her one time, and that was because I had to go to the doctor and I did not want her getting any of the germs in the waiting room. I left her at my mothers for 2 hours, and I had a full-blown meltdown before I dropped her off. I bawled. And then I cried on the way to the doctor. I have never left her again. My husband and I Googled to see if these feelings were normal and discovered post-partum anxiety. It is normal for new moms to worry. But it is not normal to be overwhelmed with anxiety in every single aspect of caring for your little one. I even quit my job so that I could stay home and care for my daughter. If you think that what you’re feeling is more than just ‘new mom worry,’ then talk to your doctor. Ask them if they think you may have post-partum anxiety. It is nothing to be ashamed about, and your doctor can help put your mind at ease and give you medication to help you.

I hope this post has helped some other new moms out there. Let me know if you have experienced any of the above, or what you experienced after pregnancy that you did not know about beforehand.